Drugs Addiction

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What Is Drug Addiction and Drug Dependence?

“Addiction is neurological, and dependence is physical.”

Drugs are substances that change the way our bodies function. It impacts a person’s brain and ability to perform daily tasks. Drug addiction is when a person develops a dependency on drugs and uses them at extreme levels. It includes addiction to alcohol, cocaine, heroin, or any other strong addictive substance. 

What Is the Situation of Drug Addiction in India?

In recent years, the percentage of the population in India who use drugs has increased. Substance abuse in adolescents, middle-aged adults, and the elderly has risen, posing a public health risk. The Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment did research in which they found that a significant population in India is dependent on different types of opioids. According to the report, 16 crore Indians between the ages of 10 and 75 use alcohol. 5.2% of people suffer from a serious addiction to it. Approximately 3.1% of the population consumes cannabis and 2.06% misuse opioids.

What are the common causes and effects of drug addiction? 

The main causes of addiction in a person are social, economic, and personal issues. Understanding the various causes of drug addiction is important.

Causes of different types of addiction

Socioeconomic vulnerabilities

The socioeconomic battles of a person drive them towards drug addiction. People use hard drugs to get away from the stress of the poor social and economic conditions. Migrant workers and the backward section of society are more vulnerable to addiction. 

Peer pressure and cultural influences

Peer pressure and influence also force a person to use drugs. Young kids in schools and colleges fall victim to drug addiction to gain acceptance and respect amongst their peers. Youngsters do not have an understanding of the negative impact of addiction and hence consider it cool. 

Mental health issues

Mental health problems are one of the significant reasons behind drug addiction. People who have mental health problems are more vulnerable to abusing drugs. However, this leads to dependence and worsens their situation. 

Family dynamics

People who come from broken homes easily fall victim to drug use. Emotional trauma, neglect, and lack of security leave people vulnerable. To fill the gaps in their personal lives, they switch to addiction. 

Effects of drug addiction

Health effects

Addiction has a serious impact on a person’s physical and mental health. It causes the failure of vital organs, reduced cognitive capabilities, a weakened immune system, and a high risk of contracting blood-borne diseases. 

Social breakdowns

Drug addiction also takes a toll on a substance abuser’s social life. These substances change the way a person behaves with others. It puts strain on an individual’s personal and professional life, breaking close bonds and relationships. 

Economic burdens

A person struggling with addiction or a substance abuser spends all their money and resources on getting drugs. As the addiction becomes severe, a person requires a higher amount of drugs to get high. To get that, they sell their belongings and spend money, which makes them economically unstable. 

Crime and social decay

Addiction leads to an increased rate of crime. After consuming or taking drugs, people lose their cognitive abilities and are unable to think straight. Under the influence of drugs, they commit serious crimes such as murder, theft, and sexual violence. 

What Are the Different Types of Drug Addiction?

“The chains of addiction are too light to be felt until they are too heavy to be broken.” 

Addictions are of different types. It is determined by the types of substances or drugs a person abuses. It can be an addiction to coffee or a cocaine addiction. It can also be a dependency on substances or in the form of harsh behavior changes.

Common Types of Addiction to Drugs Are:

Alcohol addiction or alcoholism is a severe dependency on alcohol. It is the most common type of addiction in India and around the world. According to a recent report, around 57 million people in India are alcoholics. 

Opioid Addiction

Opioid addiction occurs when individuals depend on opioids. It may involve cocaine, heroin, or prescription drugs. According to a recent government survey, around 6 million individuals in India use opioids in various forms. Opioid addiction creates major physical and mental health problems, lowering a substance abuser’s overall quality of life.  

Cannabis Addiction

Cannabis addiction is dependence on marijuana or other cannabis products. According to a report published by AIIMS, 7.2 million people in India have a severe dependence on cannabis. When a person uses cannabis for a longer period of time, they develop tolerance to it. 

Stimulant Addiction

Stimulant addiction is another type of addiction that is quite common. It is characterized by the use of cocaine or methamphetamine. These substances are stimulants, which means they increase a person’s energy level. However, they lead to severe addiction, which causes deterioration of physical and mental health. 

Sedative Addiction

Sedative addiction is characterized by the excessive use of benzodiazepines. Benzodiazepines are a medicine that is used in the treatment of anxiety and sleep disorders. They are highly addictive in nature and can lead to physical and psychological dependence. Trying to quit sedatives without help from an addiction doctor can cause severe withdrawal symptoms. According to data published on the use of sedatives in India, it was found that 1,05,80,000 aged between 18-75 use sedatives. 

Hallucinogen Addiction

Various hallucinogens such as LSD or mushrooms, or shrooms cause hallucinations in people. Hallucinogen addiction is the use of these hallucinogens to get a euphoric feeling. It is not as common as other addictions, but it is quite severe. According to a national survey, 1,101,000 people aged 18 to 75 have hallucinogen addiction. 

Nicotine Addiction

Nicotine addiction is a type of addiction in which a person uses nicotine-related products. Smoking is the most common form of nicotine addiction. It causes several health problems, such as heart and lung issues. 

Inhalant Addiction

Huffing or inhalant addiction is inhalant use or sniffing common household items such as glue, thinner, or petrol. Inhalant addiction can cause several health problems, such as respiratory issues. In India, around 51,25,000 people aged 18-75 are victims of inhalant addiction. 

Prescription Drug Addiction

Using prescription medicines other than for their intended use is called prescription drug addiction. People suffering from prescription drug addiction abuse opioids or sedatives, which are normally prescribed for medicinal purposes. It can cause several health problems, such as anxiety, weight changes, mood disorders, and damage to vital internal organs. 

How to Prevent Oneself From Drug Addiction?

“The greatest victory over addiction is the one that is never fought. Prevention paves the way for a life untouched by its chains.”

Drug addiction is quite widespread in society. One of the most significant ways to prevent drug addiction among substance abusers is educating people about the health, social, and economic risks of addiction. The following are the most important ways to prevent the spread of drug abuse in society:

Education and Awareness

Educating people about the risks of addiction is the most important way in which society and government can prevent addiction. They should work on comprehensive educational and awareness programs that help individuals identify and avoid the lure of addiction. Schools and families should have open communities with kids about the negative consequences of addiction. 

Support Systems 

Providing a safe and secure place for struggling addicts is essential in reducing the spread of addiction. Providing support to the younger generation helps reduce the extent of substance abuse in adolescence. Families, schools, and government must create a non-judgmental environment for individuals to share their emotions and struggles. 

Early Intervention

Early intervention helps in addressing the addiction in the initial stage and provides helpful resources for overcoming it. It includes therapy and counseling. It also helps individuals identify risk factors, such as mental health problems, that can lead to addiction. Early intervention also provides resources to people to manage addiction-causing factors. 

Healthy Lifestyle Choices 

Encouraging people to lead a healthy life also helps in reducing the extent of addiction. Making healthy choices, such as switching to a nutritious diet, regular exercise, and a nice sleep schedule, helps in drug deaddiction. Leading a healthy life enhances a person’s physical and mental well-being, reducing the chance of abusing drugs. 

Community Involvement

Engaging with others, participating in community events, and volunteering also help reduce the addiction rate. It builds a sense of belongingness, fraternity, and esteem in a person, reducing loneliness. 

How to Treat Drug Addiction?

“The first step towards getting somewhere is to decide that you’re not going to stay where you currently are.” 

Treating different types of addiction requires a multi-faceted approach. It should focus on treating the physical, mental, and psychological aspects of addiction. 

Some standard components of drug addiction treatment:

Assessment and Diagnosis

The first step of addiction treatment is understanding the severity of addiction. Professional doctors at a detox center help struggling individuals gauge the severity of their addiction, the factors causing it, and the right treatment approach. 


After that addiction, doctors start the detoxification process. During the drug-deaddiction process, medical professionals cleanse drugs out of a person’s body. It can lead to severe withdrawal symptoms, which is why it should be done under a professional’s watch. 

Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT)

Medication-assisted treatment (MAT) combine medicines and therapies to help struggling individuals overcome addiction. MAT treatment includes methadone, buprenorphine, and naltrexone to treat opioid addiction.   

Behavioral Therapies

Many behavioral therapies help people identify addiction-causing triggers and behaviors. Addressing the root causes of addiction helps in reducing its extent. It includes motivational interviewing, contingency management, and cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). 

Individual Counseling

Counseling is one of the most important parts of addiction recovery. Individual counseling helps people recognize the underlying addiction-causing issues. The counselors then help struggling individuals in building personalized drug-deaddiction strategies. 

Group Therapy

A detox center also provides group therapies to people. Group therapies help people find support and a safe environment to share their struggles with addiction, recovery strategies, and milestones. 

Support Groups

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA) are some of the most common support groups. These groups provide support by bringing struggling individuals together. People on different milestones connect and share their experiences. 

Comprehensive  Approaches

Addiction is an issue that requires a holistic approach. An individual trying to recover from addiction must invest in yoga, meditation, and exercises to achieve long-term sobriety and enhance their overall health.

What Are Withdrawal Symptoms?

“Withdrawal is a courageous journey of reclaiming one’s freedom, navigating the storm of discomfort to find the calm shores of recovery.”

Withdrawal symptoms are bodily responses that happen when a person is trying to quit alcohol or drugs. Different types of addiction have different types of withdrawal symptoms. However, there are common symptoms experienced by every individual trying to quit drug use: 

  • Trembling and Shivering
  • Severe muscle aches and pain
  • Vomiting and Nausea
  • Irritability or Mood disorders
  • Anxiety, depression, or stress
  • Weight fluctuations
  • Change in the sleep cycle
  • Extreme tiredness
  • Change in appetite
  • Seizures or hallucinations (in severe cases) 

Withdrawal symptoms can be extreme and life-threatening. Trying to quit alcohol or drugs at home without any medical help can be life-taking. That is why getting help from a detox center is necessary. They help individuals manage and treat these symptoms. 

How is the Indian government working to stop drug abuse?

The Ministry of Home Affairs in India is relentlessly attempting to eliminate drug use and distribution in society. They have come up with several deaddiction therapy that help people successfully overcome addiction. 

Legislative Actions

The government has passed several laws to curb drug usage. Two of the most important acts are the Control of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (NDPS) Act of 1985 and the Drugs and Cosmetics Act of 1940. These acts aim to pass strict measures to control flow in society. 

Institutional Measures

The Indian government has established several institutions to tackle the rise of addiction. These include NCB, the Customs Department, and the Directorate of Revenue Intelligence. These organizations work to control the drug flow and partner with several national and international organizations, detox centers, and institutions to enforce stringent measures to tackle addiction. 

Preventive Measures

The government has also started several initiatives, such as Nasha Mukt Bharat Abhiyan (NMBA) and a National Action Plan to reduce the demand of drug (NAPDDR), to reduce the reach of addiction. These initiatives promote preventive measures and deaddiction therapy approaches to help people struggling with any form of addiction. 

Rehabilitation Centres for Addicts (lRCAs)

The government is also working on providing rehabilitation centers to individuals struggling with addiction. The Indian Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment set up the Integrated Rehabilitation Center for Addicts (IRCAs). Under this initiative, 355 fully funded and supported deaddiction centers have been established.  

Indian Government’s Efforts in Eliminating Opium and Cannabis Cultivation 

Opium and cannabis are widely grown in India. These two substances are highly addictive in nature and lead to severe addiction. The government is working actively to destroy the opioid and cannabis farms, seize drugs produced from them, and arrest people who are involved in this illegal trade. The government has destroyed 35,592 acres of poppy farms and 82,691 acres of cannabis farms. According to NCB, the government has also seized 6.7 lakh kilos of drugs.

What Are the Resources for Drug Addiction?

 “Every step toward recovery is proof of the indomitable strength within—a journey from darkness to the light of a drug-free dawn.”

There are several resources available in India that help in breaking free from addiction. Following are some of the most important resources available: 

National Toll-Free Helpline

The Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment runs a toll-free helpline called Nasha Mukti Helpline (14446). It helps people find treatment centers providing deaddiction therapy

De-Addiction and Rehabilitation Centers

Private and public-owned rehabilitation centers provide inpatient and outpatient treatment approaches to people. These treatment approaches depend on a person’s individual needs. 

AIIMS National Drug Dependence Treatment Centre (NDDTC)

National Drug Dependence Treatment Center, run by AIIMS, provides addiction treatment and resources to people who are struggling with substance abuse. 

Narcotics Anonymous (NA) India

NA is a support group that offers couseling to people struggling with nicotine addiction. It is a drug deaddiction program that gives people a safe space to people share their experience with nicotine addiction. 

District Mental Health Program (DMHP)

District Mental Health Program is an initiative started by the National Mental Health Program. It provides mental health services to people battling substance abuse. They also provide information about other services that help in manage mental health problems. 

Educational Institutions and Workplaces

Several educational institutions and workplaces provide counseling and assistance to people who are looking for drug deaddiction. This helps reduce the stigma attached to addiction.

Drug Rehabilitation Centers in India

Rehab centers are important in helping people overcome addiction. They provide constant support, individualized treatment plans, and a structured environment to treat substance abuse. If a person or someone they know is struggling with any kind of addiction, they must reach out and seek professional help at rehabilitation centers. 

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